Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh What does the week bring.....

A total load of shit at work and a 1.4kg loss.

Maybe the scales knew I needed a boost this week?  It was a shocker.

Started well, ended really badly.

Worst thing is I feel so totally let down.

I am not a 'get to know you & feel like friends' type of person.

But when I do 'get to know you & feel like friends' and you let me down it is pretty bad for me.

Worst still, I can't escape from you, you sit next to me and have input into every minute of my working day.

If you are having a hissy and not speaking it is really uncomfortable.

I shouldn't have to work this's not fair...........but you hold all the power because you won your position and I am just filling in............such is life..........the money isn't worth this.........

Shame I love the job.........

1 comment:

workinprogress said...

You poor thing - sounds awful!!! Hang in there. Yay! for the weight loss :-)