Is a 1kg ball of fluff named Scat the Cat.
Scat the Cat is Miss Emily's 'rescue' kitten, rescued in a disheveled state from nearby he was then shipped of to Aunty Marianne AKA Crazy Cat Lady for some TLC.
Little fellow scrubbed up ok - YES we know he is never going to win a beauty show.
After a rather stressful family vote as to the benefits of having two cats (or NOT), Scat the Cat was returned to Emily's loving arms to become another member of the household.
Now I love Scat the Cat, really I do, but I DO NOT love the 'I am a Mountain Lion watch me fight with your feet at 3am'.
It is now 5am and I am ready for sleep again..............sure hope I wake up in time for work, do you think a note from Scat the Cat will work?
Jump into a polar bear enclosure for a little bit of up close and personal?!?!
Seriously this lady is crazy right?
What in the world was she thinking?
Awwwww cute big cuddly bear? Sheesh!
It was our second rabbitless Easter.
That's right the girls are all old enough to know that the Easter Bunny is a myth.
We have gone from amazingly huge Easter egg hunts, requiring one to wake up in the small hours of the morning to 'hide' the eggs all around the yard, and then crossing our fingers while sneaking back to bed freezing cold hoping that the girls manage to stay in bed until 5am. We are know in an era where eggs are less important, one boxed egg gift per child was just fine, in our house there was more interest in the number of hot x buns on hand.
This is fine with me, I love hot x buns - nice and hot with butter of course, they are a staple breakfast for the WHOLE Easter weekend, and I will happily trade my chocolate egg for a well cooked hot x bun any day!
I'm not likely to miss the waking up, or the freezing cold BUT there is a small piece of me that will definitely miss the girls whispers as they 'sneak up early' and then the delighted squeals as that first egg is found.
I love you my growing up baby girls! Happy Easter.