Tuesday, June 5, 2007

One little puppy, Two little puppy


Milly was banging on the door at about 12.30am, over and over, arghhhhhhh, when I woke up a bit more I realised I could also hear very loud mewling sounds.

Opened the back door and a wild eyed labrador rushes past me and heads straight for my room NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Yes straight up on my bed ::) ::) Blergh!

I drag Milly out into hallway and throw blankets on the floor, by this time the girls are all up having heard the commotion (or me swearing at the mess on my bed).

I try and calm Milly and tell the girls to grab some old towels and the torch and bring any puppies in from the shed.

Well this is obviously another chance for the girls to argue and moan about who should do what on the little adventure.

Sarah: 'Samantha go and get another towel'

Samantha says 'Jessica go and get another towel'

Jessica says 'Emily go and get another towel'

Emily says 'MUUUMMMMMM we need another towel'

And as I am trying to calm a very anxious Milly I can tell you what I would LIKE to do with the towl right about now!

Eventually we have two puppies brought in, and one very relieved looking Milly.

WHEW! Will there only be two? I have no idea but now they are settled Im going to catch some zzzzzzzzzz.

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1 comment:

Rachael said...

aaawwwwww love little puppies